The Most Important Conversations

Wellness Workshop

Take control of your health and wellbeing once and for all

Most of us live from task to task, distraction to distraction. We wake up each morning with an endless list of to-dos and go to sleep feeling like we didn’t accomplish anything worthwhile.

Throughout the day we meet and interact with many but long for deeper connections and intimacy. We’re disrupted by the highs and lows of our emotions, indispositions and events of our lives. We accept this as “normal”.

Though we have the intention to strengthen and heal ourselves, this lands at the bottom of our lists because life simply takes over. But life doesn’t have to be this way.

We don’t need to suffer from chronic pain, low energy, poor sleep, high stress, poor diet, and lack of fulfillment, but we condemn ourselves through our inaction.

How TMIC for Wellness can change your life

TMIC for Wellness helps set in motion your wellness and personal goals, helping you realize a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

A breakthrough coaching workshop hosted Saturday mornings on Zoom, TMIC for Wellness provides the framework and support you need to achieve total integrated healthy living aligned with your personal goals and objectives.

TMIC for Wellness is a twelve (12) month workshop that provides you with the framework for total integrated healthy living aligned with your BEing.

In short, you do not need to suffer with chronic pain, low  energy, poor sleep, high stress, poor diet, and general unhappiness -  but the truth is, you CHOOSE to!

Learn and implement the principles of healthy integrated living through this powerful workshop series.

Warning: This program is not for everyone

We all have a history of making excuses. If you see this in your future, TMIC for Wellness may not be for you.

TMIC for Wellness empowers you by giving you the tools to architect and implement a personal health and wellness strategy. We do not take action on your behalf, hound you to attend or participate in meetings, diagnose, or cure you.

Rather, we provide a forum, coaching and resources to help you devise actionable plans concerning your health and wellbeing.

When you join TMIC for Wellness, you’ll receive

  • 46 Weekly Content Sessions: One hour group coaching sessions focused on the ins and outs of personal wellbeing and taking actionable steps to get there, led by Jacob McGill.
  • 12 months access to the Open Calls: in addition to the Program, we hold a weekly open cal to dig n and do the deep work.
  • Tailored Resources Suggestions: Receive resources suggestions specific to your needs and objectives, empowering you to set your goals in motion.
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The Most Important Conversations

Will Help You

  • Reduce stress and control anxiety
  • Foster emotional wellbeing and resilience
  • Enhance self-awareness
  • Increase awareness and attention span
  • Generate compassion, empathy and kindness
  • Navigate physical and emotional trauma
  • Slow down, get present and enjoy life

Whats Next?

Immediately after your initial subscription payment - you'll be directed to the members area to schedule an interview: During this 30 min call we will clearly establish if the TMIC - HYP program is right for you and either

Welcome you into the next weekly call cycle: and move forward on the promise that after the 12 month program your life will be completely transformed


Refund you: and send you on your way to find a TMIC program or alternate option that is the right fit for you.

We want the best for you.

Why Conversations?

Health is not a goal... It is an ongoing process of balance within yourself — of unmasking awareness clouded by obsessive thinking, emotions and limiting beliefs.

Most often these habits are a result of Pain, Stress, Trauma and Misinformation.


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